My Story of Being a Runaway – Part One

It’s been a while – again – since I last wrote something. I need to get better at this as I enjoy writing, and as was pointed out to me earlier this week, I just need to sit down and write. Today, I am going to start writing about the three times I ran away…

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How That One Night Changed the 70s For Me

I wrote two weeks ago about The Day That Changed Everything. That was the day my Dad was killed in a truck accident. In that post, I wrote about the events of that evening and the horrible day after my 13th birthday. I know I have more stories to tell about that day and its…

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The Day That Changed Everything

Photo of my dad, brother, and me from 1966. We were each dressed in coats and ties, so it was probably either Christmas or Easter; I was about 6 and my brother would have been 3 or 4.

I wrote the original version of this post on an old blog I had on my business site on August 18, 2015. I am updating it here because I’m moving all of my personal posts here and this is an extremely major part of the Life and Times of Paul Timmy and it needed to…

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